Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Victoria's Secret- what to think?

The other day I was watching television and a Victoria's Secret commercial came on. I am always shocked at how they film these. Of course the women are all wearing lingerie and the music is usually dramatic. Often times, the commercials have no one talking in them; there are a few times though, and those usually consist of Heidi Klum, a supermodel with an international accent, or just a random woman with a british accent. The commercials emphasize the women's breast, legs, and body overall. The women are usually wearing heels and in a sexy position with wind blowing in their hair. If you have never seen a Victoria's Secret commercial, which I am sure you have, please click on the links I have below.
Since when did it become okay to show women in lingerie? If it is not okay to wear lingerie in the public, it should not be okay to show lingerie explicitly on T.V. Victoria Secret commercials make women want to look sexy. There was a commercial they had where throughout the commercial, they had someone saying "baby baby baby" over and over again (video is available on the bottom). Also, the Victoria Secret's fashion show is the only fashion show I know of that is advertised on regular television. This makes it available to everyone to watch. Why aren't other fashion shows advertised like this? I know Project Runway holds a fierce fashion show, but that is only available on cable; it is less accessible to the public. How is it that women in lingerie (being sexually objectified) can be shown to the public?
Victoria's Secret commercials not only attract the attention of females, they attract the attention of men as well. All the males in my life know what Victorias Secret is, but they have no idea what Betsey Johnson is. Betsey Johnson is a famous designer who creates clothing (dresses, swimwear, lingerie, shoes, etc.) for young women. I was reading an article the other day and someone at the University of MN conducted a study about bags and how they can impact how shoppers feel. The results suggested that women can feel sexy just holding a Victoria's Secret bag.
What is this world coming to?
Victoria's Secret Commercials:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How NO Television for 72 Hours Affected Me

When I was first told about this 72 hours of no T.V. watching assignment, I was perfectly content. I don't watch television on a regular basis anyway, so this assignment would make no difference to my life.

Even though I was confident the T.V. ban wouldn't affect my life, when Justin reminded us that the ban was taking place this week, I became nervous. What if my husband watches television while I am doing my homework and I accidentally look? What if I become so bored at work that I accidentally go on Youtube and watch some videos? I realized that although I don't watch T.V. for news and entertainment, I did use the internet for those things quite often. Therefore, this ban would affect me in many ways I never thought of.

Wednesday and Thursday were easy days for me. I was too busy with school and work to even think about television or videos of any sort. The only difficulty I encountered was with the election results. I was curious as to who won the race for Ramsey County sheriff because I had a close connection with Bob Fletcher; I was also interested in who won the governor's race. I couldn't watch the television for results, so I had to rely on the internet, because I had no newspaper. It was awkward looking for the 2010 results online. I looked up the results on the Secretary of State website by county, city, precinct, etc. and it was confusing. I just wanted an overall simple answer. The website also stated that all results were unofficial until certified by the State Canvassing Board, which confused me even more. I don't know much about politics- either they win or they don't. I searched for Bob Fletcher and discovered that he was losing to Matt Bostrom by quite a lot. I didn't find out about the close tie between Emmer and Dayton until Wednesday morning when I was listening to the radio on the way to work. I didn't try to get the election results any other way. I supposed I could have talked to others about the election, but no one seemed interested.

Friday was the most difficult day for me to abstain from using the television or watching videos. After a long week of school and work, I just wanted to sit down and enjoy a movie, but that was forbidden. I purposely worked later than normal so I didn't have to come home so early. When I did get home, I just spent more time cooking and cleaning than normal. After that, I surfed the internet. I was on Facebook and E-Bay for quite some time. I was so tempted to log onto Netflix and watch a romantic comedy. Netflix and Youtube were only a few letters and clicks away, but I held out. I had a headache anyway so I just went to bed to put away all my miseries.

Access to news, information, and entertainment is so readily accessible. It comes in so many forms and we like to use whichever one is most convenient. For me, the computer is my most convenient tool. I use the computer for everything! I am with a computer for at least 5 hours a day! Computers are everywhere and more personal than the television. They are usually limited to an individual user, unlike a television where two to three people can share and watch with you at the same time. Not only that, with internet access, the videos you view are time efficient because you can forward them exactly to the section you want to view, not like T.V. where you have to wait for your news to come on and the commercials are at least 2 minutes long. Internet access is very hard for me to refrain from. It can do everything that radio, television, and print can do.